Katelyn Arnold is grateful for her experiences with PPL’s business resource groups. She enjoys them so much, she is an active member of four groups: POWER, REACH, AABRG and PPLTomorrow. In addition to networking and meeting new people, Arnold credits BRGs for exposing her to different viewpoints and helping her see the world beyond her own circumstances.
“BRGs celebrate the differences among us,” said Arnold. “For example, we host celebrations for Women’s History Month and Black History Month and hold educational sessions on important topics such as disabilities. In doing so, we make it easier to talk about our differing backgrounds and experiences because we put those differences in the forefront and encourage healthy and productive conversations.”
Having those, sometimes difficult, conversations was eye opening for Arnold. “I’ve learned about experiences I never had nor could even imagine having,” she said. “It’s provided me with motivation to continue pursuing inclusion and equality for all.”
And like most good things, Arnold gets as much back as she gives. “Being an ally through our BRGs has resulted in some of the most rewarding experiences I have had. It’s allowed me to grow both professionally and personally.”