Articles in Employee Spotlight.

Blazing an exciting new path in engineering 

International Women in Engineering Day honors women in the field of engineering by raising the profile of those changing the field one degree at a time. We celebrate the many contributions of female engineers both here at PPL and across the utility industry by highlighting one of our amazing team members.

Volunteering runs “all in the family”

PPL Electric Right of Way supervisor Allison Sheehe’s interest in volunteering sparked while in high school. Growing up in Bloomsburg, she’d volunteer here and there, but helping her community following Hurricane Sandy made a lasting impression.

“Our town was hit very hard with flooding,” she said “I helped some residents clean out their homes, which was just devastating to witness. They were throwing away pretty much everything, including photos and things that can’t be replaced.”

Be there when it matters

Ever since her days at the University of Michigan, Wendy Stark always knew that she wanted to pursue a career in law; however, she did not envision that her journey would lead her into the world of utilities, and much less, into a leadership role. 

“Oddly enough, I was not at all interested in corporate work at the time,” recalls Stark, who serves as executive vice president of utilities,chief legal officer and corporate secretary of PPL Corporation. “My career trajectory was certainly not a straight line; it was more about navigating a pathway that has changed over time.”